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Dream High Grow High Class of 2024 Social

Dream High Grow High Class of 2024 Social


Affaf Azizah, Afiqah Zakirah Pramono, Ahda Nur Shofa, Aisyah Haniyah, Aisyah Qoulan, Aisya Salsabila Nuraini, Alifah Muthiya, Argya Tsabita Aulia, Azmi Nurul Atthiya, Faras Nafisah Hanandika, Fathimah Zahira Mufidah, Fathia Rizka Amalia, Fatimah Azizah, Ghaida Shafa Ashfia, Hana Zaidah, Isni Medina Mu'minah, Kayla Putri Ariyanto, Luthfina Nailatul Izzah, Nadya Syarifah, Nadya Ulya Fachira, Nasya Salsabila Zakia Rahma, Nayla Aghniya El-Syahidah, Nayla Zahra Farela, Nur Alia Amalina, Nurul Fathya Mumtaz, Raida Nisrina Kuswanto, Rizvani Aqila Maharani, Salma Afifah, Sherina Revita Nurul Islamia, Suci Zahra Rabbani, Yasmin Nadia Adnan, Zahra Aqilita

Tebal: 205 halaman

Ukuran: 14,5 cm  x 20,5 cm

Harga: 90.000

QRCBN: 62-250-7150-852

Within the captivating pages of "Elevation of Ambitions," students from the XII Social Class at Assyifa Boarding School Wanareja weave a tapestry of inspiration, exploring the theme "Dram High, Grow High." This anthology is created as the project of English final assignment with Ustadz Husnul Yakin, S.Pd. This anthology invites readers on an introspective journey, defining the theme as a transformative odyssey towards personal and collective growth. 

The essays delve into the profound importance of dreaming big, unveiling the intrinsic link between aspirations and personal development. Each narrative reflects on individual passions and interests, creating a kaleidoscope of diverse dreams that shape ambitious visions for the future. A dedicated segment reveals the students' plans and goals for 2024, serving as a roadmap for readers to set their own milestones. 

The anthology shines a spotlight on specific and achievable goals, from community initiatives to academic pursuits, showcasing the power of focused determination. Bravely anticipating challenges, the students share personal strategies to overcome obstacles, offering insights into the strength derived from adversity. "Elevation of Ambitions" concludes with a resonant summary, celebrating the collective wisdom of the students and affirming the belief that nurtured dreams become stepping stones to a future where aspirations contribute to a broader canvas of collective growth. 

This anthology is an exploration, an inspiration, and a celebration of the heights one can reach when dreams are given wings. "Elevation of Ambitions" invites readers to embark on a transformative journey, where the dreams of today are the realities of tomorrow.

I think the definition of dream high, grow high is a phrase that means dream high and keep growing. It means that we set our goals or dreams as high as possible and then we strive with earnestness, perseverance, and seriousness to reach our dreams. This DFan shows that in order to reach one's dreams or highest potential, one must constantly strive to grow, improve, and evolve. So if we have high dreams, we must also be active and determined to realize them.

Why is having dreams important? Dreams play an important role in our lives because they provide direction and purpose. When we have a dream, we have something we want to accomplish or achieve in the future. These dreams can vary from very personal things to broader aspirations to influence the world around us. And dreams are a natural part of being human. So having aspirations, goals and dreams is part of human nature. Then there are several reasons why we have dreams, the first is to give us goals, by having goals our focus can be more directed towards what we want to achieve. The second is to bring hope, dreams give us something to expect and look forward to making us more motivated. Third, dreams also make us more creative and innovative, when we dream, we often think of new ways to achieve our goals. And finally we can feel the satisfaction of accomplishment when we succeed in realizing our dreams.

My interests and passions are actually hard to explain, but more or less they tend to be practical, like cooking or doing experiments that tend to make or try new things. I also have an interest in arts and languages, although I don't really go deep into it because I'm focusing on school and focusing on the lessons in my school. Maybe in the future I want to hone my skills and interests more, especially in cooking and doing things that I enjoy.

Previously I was a person who could not plan things, but for this 2024 plan I want to maximize self-development towards the things I love and I dream of, this year I will graduate from high school, my friends are planning to continue their education in state universities this year while I will prepare myself to continue my education abroad, so in this year I want to prepare myself by entering Ma'had to prepare for entering universities in Arabic. So please pray for me for the smooth running of this plan, may Allah facilitate my good intentions. I also want to maximize my graduation with good report cards and diplomas, so that I graduate well and without regrets in my high school years which turned out to be very short.

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