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The Impact of Weak Digital Literacy in the Industrial Age 4.0 for Indonesian People

(Sumber: Unsplash)

The Impact of Weak Digital Literacy in the Industrial Age 4.0 for Indonesian People

By Kharismaningtyas Az-Zahra Putri

Dibukukan dalam buku berjudul Literasi Digital 

Technological developments that occurred in the industrial era 4.0 led us to the fact that all information is distributed through digital technology. Based on a survey by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemedikbudristek), around 202 million out of 270 million Indonesians have used digital technology, and it can be said that most Indonesians are knowing about internet literate and using technology for their daily activities. This technology has been accessed in all aspects of life and is side by side as a primary human need today. Unfortunately among ASEAN countries, Indonesia is a country that has the lowest average digital literacy. Because Indonesia only has an average of 62% while other ASEAN countries. Where they have 70% for average of digital literacy. In addition, through the Director General of Informatics Applications, the Ministry of Communication and Information presented data that Indonesian people have an average digital literacy of 3.54 on a scale of 1-5. This figure includes digital safety, digital skills, digital ethics, and digital culture (CNBC Indonesia)

The impact of low from digital literacy can cause many negative things. The example are by low of digital safety encourage people to criminal case in the internet, and to be a victim of criminal. That’s all because people easy to believe some information from social media without double check the sources of informations like whatsapp, instagram, facebook etc. And then, if people are low of digital skill and digital culture can cause someone to be a criminal or victim in social media society. The example are bullying, phising, or hacking data. Bullying in social media is one of many problem, it happens when someone blaming other people because someone read or watch something different and sometimes we can found it from the coment section. So, we should know that in the social media or internet make a new culture in the society. so if we don’t have digital skill and understand culture, it will be destroying the nationalism of the country or another country. In the internet we can get connection with all people who use the internet too. It’s the big problem if we don’t have a good culture in social media.

The solution to increase literacy digital are first, we should make a good habit in reading, second, filter all of information from internet  and social media. Then, it is not easy to believe information whose source is unclear (crictical thinking). Especially now, that humans prefer to receive information through video shows rather than writing. Where the video that is spread on social media is not yet 100 percent clear on the truth. Therefore, we as users of digital technology and social media on the internet. We have to double check all the information we receive. We don't forget to also try to read all the information or news that you get in full. Even though the information comes via video or many content of social media, we must read full the information from the video or the content. To validate whether the information is true or false. That’s all very important and we should be a agent of change in Indonesia.

Baca juga: Islam in the Era of Disruption: Digitization Da'wah Islamic Social Media as a Smart Dakwah Trend

 Profil Penulis

            Kharismaningtyas Az-Zahra Putri, born March 31, 2002. Kharisma studied at TK-IT Ar-Rahmah (2006-2008) then continued to a higher level, namely at SD Negeri Jetis (2008-2015), at SMP Negeri 1 Pleret (2015-2017). Then when he entered high school in 2017, Kharisma decided to continue his education at the Ibnul Qoyyim Putri Islamic Boarding School, where Kharisma had to take 1 year of equalization first to continue to the upper secondary level. And finally able to complete education at Islamic boarding schools in 2021. Based on wishes and also strengthened by suggestions from ustadzah and parents. So at this time, Kharisma is continuing her undergraduate education at the Teaching and Education Faculty of Ahmad Dahlan University by taking the PGSD (Elementary School Teacher Education) study program. Until now, Kharisma is still trying various things in the world of education and is currently quite active in several social and volunteer activities. To find out various activities and a collection of short quotes or captions written by Kharisma, you can see them on the Instagram account @kharismazahraputri.

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