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Islam in the Era of Disruption: Digitization Da'wah Islamic Social Media as a Smart Dakwah Trend

(Sumber: Unsplash)

Islam in the Era of Disruption: Digitization Da'wah Islamic Social Media as a Smart Dakwah Trend

By Irma Lupita Sari 

  Dibukukan dalam buku berjudul Literasi Digital 

At this point in time, the internet was just starting to take off and hold a significant place in modern society. Anyone with a mobile phone can easily access the information they need. Existing features outfitted with digital gadgets and accessible platforms to encourage exercise society serve to reinforce this.

UNESCO research found that 4 out of 10 Indonesians use social media, including Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and other platforms. This is also strengthened by the report We Are Social which shows user active social media in Indonesia as many as 167 million people in January 2023. This is the same as 60.4% of the nation's population.

The equivalent of the digital era this altered behavior and communication styles and even gave rise to a number of new metamorphosis fields. According to McKinsey research findings from 2016, 52.6 million types of labor will either change or disappear from the sophisticated earth as a result of digital technology. This is according to one in activity preaches. Technology advancement and change, well as the media, have an impact on da'wah activity, which was previously carried out in a customary way.

According to opinion Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, preaching is business inviting others to call on the creator. Because of this, the importance of da'wah is growing along with the demands it’s making. Many generations lost their youth and sense of identity, and nothing else happened as a result of radicals' efforts against Islam.

With the advancement of advanced technology, preaching evolved into a kind of communication that was necessary for it to be more effective and efficient. We must be able to communicate with contemporary culture in our teaching as Muslims and actively fill in with Islamic content and complexity. Next, consider what can be done for the preacher who committed the crime. To be effective in spreading Islamic teachings in an era of disruption like this one?

The solution to activity adaptive preaching is technology-enabled communication and information. In the digital age, social media development is a preaching opportunity at a particular moment. Go ahead and design technology so that anyone, anywhere can hear your message. The establishment of an adaptable and digitally sensitive da'wah plan with growing capability digital literacy, as well as acting egalitarian and bravely coming on stage differently, are all ways to maximize progress in deep digital technology.

Time through the use of social media sites like Youtube, Tiktok, Instagram,Facebook, and more lots others, this lot preaches to religious leaders. Social media technologies that facilitate da'wah can benefit a busy community. On social media, da'wah can be viewed whenever and however you, please. For that, do not be surprised if preachers are now heavily reliant on social media as a platform for walk preaching Islam.

Activity preaching can be seen in virtual areas in today's global culture. It becomes simpler to access someone to obtain religious or preaching knowledge. Numerous benefits can be attained as well as increased efficacy in optimizing the good from time, cost, and process. Because it’s based on modern draft of preaching, preaching should make use of the right technology as it develops.

In connection with this, the preachers sought more innovation in their creations and designs in order to make a more modern impression. Preaching requires packaging with gradual tendency of growth, although preaching's content remains unchanged. Because it is an essential technique, particularly for preaching that may reach all audiences, wherever they may be.

 Additionally, there are a number of benefits if preaching is already conducted digitally. One of them, the feature of affection, makes preaching easier because there is no need for a lot of time or space. With the help of modern technology, da'wah may now reach a larger congregation that is dispersed over larger geographical area.

Islam as a way of life should be able to accommodate technology information as an essential component of progress, according to the spirit of Islam in the digital era of contemporary society. Muslims' ability to open opportunity relations with technology is progress dependent. Thus, muslims consider themselves have a rich identity and promote innovation through their preaching.

Baca juga: Kritikalitas dalam Literasi Digital: Membaca dan Menulis di Era Informasi

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