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Facing the Challenges of Digital Literacy Flows by Using De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats Method


(Sumber: Unsplash)

Facing the Challenges of Digital Literacy Flows by Using De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats Method

(Digital Literacy in Pandemic Situation and Post Pandemic)

By Enji Megapaswati Theoranda

 Dibukukan dalam buku berjudul Literasi Digital 

Edward De Bono's approach examines problems from various perspectives which are then described metaphorically by six hats. White hats are used to gather up-to-date information, red hats are used to channel feelings, black hats are used to see the negative side of the problem, yellow hats are used to see the benefits or positive values of the problems, green hats are used to generate creative idea for the solutions, and blue hats are used to align five perspectives and attract conclusion.

Digital literacy is the main provision and something that must be fought for in the current era of globalization, especially for students. However, some of the people including parent are concerned about the negative effects of digital literacy. Most of us sit in front of our laptop from seven in the morning and only finish classes around three in the afternoon. Furthermore, doing  homeworks until late at night and repeating the routine the next day without any physical interaction with anyone can get monotonous. In the past year, the implementation of digital education has caused various problems. The first problem is a weak scoring system. Students can trick the teacher in carrying out the test by cheating or working on questions together. Finally, the grades given by the teacher cannot accurately reflect the quality of the students. The second problem is the inadequate infrastructure/availability and digital divide. Having access to the Internet has made easier for us to do a variety job despite the pandemic, thanks to modalities such as remote work and online education, but the reality is not the same across the world. In Africa only 39.3 % of the population had Internet access, compared to 87.2 % of Europeans and also 94.6 % of Americans. The third problem is the affordability/cost constraint. Online learning requires the use of supporting electronic devices, such as computers, laptops, mobile phones, and cameras, which can be an obstacle for underprivileged students.

As opposed to the black hat, the yellow hat will provide various benefits as studentswhile implementing digital education. First, we can save some of the costs needed when conducting face-to-face learning Second, we can use space and time effectively. Third, online learning helps us to make the best use of technology. Fourth, the most important benefit of implementing online learning is to prevent the spread of viruses. There so many things that we can used as proposed solution or the green hat in this method, there are establishment of Community  E-learning hubs  whereby such facilities shall be replete with state of the art technologies where underprivileged students can have easy access to a plethora of devices (computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones), Second one is Improve the existing infrastructure of digital education, next is about Educating and leveraging  digital literacy skills to students and teachers. The subsequent solution is to fully support the development and advancement of people's digital skills, particularly students and teachers. This can be accomplished by providing training in cybergogy in cybergogy to improve digital literacy through digital literacy campaigns or by incorporating digital literacy courses into the education curriculum. This will be accomplished by the government and other private sectors with a focus on facilitating education consultation, particularly regarding the digital education system, intensive non-formal education, and informal education. Simultaneously, it is critical to develop a future educational system that makes better use of digital learning models in order to reach all learners at their level and to provide more individualized instruction.

Read too: Promoting Digital Insurance Literacy: The Crucial Role of Younger Generation

About the Author

Enji Megapaswati Theoranda or more commonly called Enji born in Bengkulu, May 12, 2000.  Enji is a law student who received an achievement scholarship at the Indonesian Jentera College of Law. Currently, she serves as a national ambassador for inspirational students, and works as a public speaker.


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